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Samuel Colt |
Birthplace: Hartford city
Died: 10-Jan-1862
Location of death: Hartford City
Cause of death: unspecified
Remains: Buried, Cedar Hill Cemetery , Hartford City
Gender: Male
Race or Ethnicity: White
Sexual orientation: Straight
Occupation: Inventor
Nationality: United States
Executive summary: Invented the revolver
American inventor, born on the 19th of July 1814 at Hartford, Connecticut, where his father had a manufactory of silks and woollens. At the age of ten he left school for the factory, and at fourteen, then being in a boarding school at Amherst, Massachusetts, he made a runaway voyage to India, during which (in 1829) he constructed a wooden model, still existing, of what was afterwards to be the revolver. On his return he learned chemistry from his father's bleaching and dyeing manager, and under the assumed name "Dr. Coult" traveled over the United States and Canada lecturing on that science. The profits of two years of this work enabled him to continue his researches and experiments.
In 1835, having perfected a six-barrelled rotating breech, he visited Europe, and patented his inventions in London and Paris, securing the American right on his return; and the same year he founded at Paterson, New Jersey, the Patent Arms Company, for the manufacture of his revolvers only. As early as 1837 revolvers were successfully used by United States troops, under Lt. Col. William S. Harney, in fighting against the Seminole Indians in Florida. Colt's scheme, however, did not succeed; the arms were not generally appreciated; and in 1842 the company became insolvent. No revolvers were made for five years, and none were to be had when General Zachary Taylor wrote for a supply from the seat of war in Mexico. In 1847 the United States government ordered 1000 from the inventor; but before these could be produced he had to construct a new model, for a pistol of the company's make could nowhere be found. This commission was the beginning of an immense business.
The little armory at Whitneyville (New Haven, Connecticut), where the order for Mexico was executed, was soon exchanged for larger workshops at Hartford. These in their turn gave place (1852) to the enormous factory of the Colt's Patent Fire-Arms Manufacturing Company, doubled in 1861, on the banks of the Connecticut river, within the city limits of Hartford, where so many millions of revolvers with all their appendages have been manufactured. From there was sent, for the Russian and English governments, to Tula and Enfield, the whole of the elaborate machinery devised by Colt for the manufacture of his pistols. Colt introduced and patented a number of improvements in his revolver, and also invented a submarine battery for harbor defense. He died at Hartford on the 10th of January 1862.
Father: Christopher Colt
Mother: Sarah Caldwell Colt
Wife: Elizabeth Hart Jarvis (m. 5-Jun-1856, d. 21-Aug-1905)
Son: Caldwell Hart Colt (b. 24-Nov-1858, d. 21-Jan-1894)
Bahasa Indonesia
colt atau lengkapnya Colt's Manufacturing Company (CMC), adalah perusahaan senjata Amerika Serikat yang didirikan pada tahun 1847.

Perusahaan ini dikenal mengembangkan, memproduksi, dan memasarkan lusinan jenis senjata api pada akhir abad ke-19 dan abad ke-20. Colt mengembangkan senjata untuk sipil, serta senjata yang akhirnya digunakan Militer Amerika Serikat dan negara-negara lainnya.
Samuel Colt adalah seorang Penemu Amerika dan Industrialis dari Hartford,Connecticut.
Percobaan pertama pada senjata api manufaktur di Paterson, New Jersey, terjadi selama krisis ekonomi di AS yang mengarah ke penjualan yang buruk, dan selanjutnya terhambat oleh salah urus Colt dan pengeluaran sembrono.Colt meninggal pada 1862, sebelum akhir Perang Saudara, sebagai salah satu orang terkaya di Amerika.Perusahaan ini masih beroperasi hingga sekarang.

Revolver adalah suatu sistem senjata berupa tabung ruang peluru horizontal yang dapat berputar secara sumbu horizontal pula dan peluru tersebut dikeluarkan minimal melewati satu laras.
Dalam perkembangan awal senjata api yang notabene hanya berkapasitas satu peluru, waktu yang digunakan antara menembak dan mengisi ulang sangat tidak efisien. Saat pengisian ulang yang lambat, bisa saja kita terkena tembakan musuh. Akhirnya, beberapa pendekatan digunakan untuk menciptakan senjata yang punya rate of fire tinggi. Salah satunya adalah teknologi revolver.
Revolver pertama yang diciptakan adalah arquebus revolver, ditemukan oleh Hans Stopler tahun 1597.

The First Revolver by Colt (Colt Dragoon Single Action kaliber .44 inci) |
- Single Action
Dalam sistem ini, hammer (pelatuk atas) harus ditekan setiap habis menembak satu tembakan. Saat picu(trigger) ditekan, hammer akan berubah posisi. Bila kita ingin menembak lagi, hammer harus ditekan lagi agar silinder bisa berputar. Contoh:Colt Single-Action
- Double Action
Pada sistem ini, bila hammer dalam posisi tertutup, maka sistem menjadi single-action. Bila hammer ditekan ke posisi terbuka, pistol ini menjadi semi otomatis tanpa harus menekan hammer. Contoh: Colt Phyton .357 Magnum
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