1. Klub tertua di dunia adalah Sheffield FC dibentuk tahun 1857

7. Apa fungsi anak-anak pada setiap pertandingan sepakbola?
Dalam pembukaan pertandingan sepakbola internasional, setiap pemain senior yang masuk ke lapangan masing-masing menggandeng anak kecil, hal itu merupakan bagian dari peraturan FIFA untuk mengkampanyekan Fair Play dalam sepakbola, bahwa sepakbola harus dijauhkan dari segala kecurangan & tindakan tak sportif lainnya, agar permainan sepakbola dapat dinikmati oleh segenap elemen masyarakat, baik dewasa, remaja maupun anak-anak.
8. Hanya 8 negara yang pernah memenangkan Piala Dunia: Uruguay, Brasil, Argentina, Perancis, Inggris, Italia,Jerman dan Spanyol
In English
1.The world's oldest club Sheffield FC was formed in 1857
2. Soccer is the most played and most watched in the face of the Earth
3. Football or soccer is called football in most countries except the United
4. Football is the most popular team sport in the world, both in the number of spectators and the number of active players.
5. International football body is the Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), based in Zurich, Switzerland.
6. Soccer originated in England / United Kingdom
7. What is the function of children at every football game?
In the opening game of international football, every senior player coming into the field each holding a small child, it is part of the FIFA regulations to campaign for Fair Play in football, that football should be kept away from any fraud and other unsportsmanlike acts, in order to play football can be enjoyed by all elements of society, both adults, teens and children.
8. Only 8 countries have won the World Cup: Uruguay, Brazil, Argentina, France, Britain, Italy, Germany and Spain
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