The worst weapon ever
1. Chauchat
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Lubang peluru pada putaran cukup besar menyebabkan kotoran dan lumpur untuk bercampur dengan peluru yang mengakibatkan kemacetan , membuat senjata itu tidak berguna terutama karena saat itu digunakan selama perang parit yang penuh dengan lumpur dan kotoran
Alasan utama menempatkan senjata mesin ringan Chauchat di bagian atas sebagai senjata terburuk karena, saat itu begitu banyak varian senapan mesin yang sudah dibuat dan layak digunakan, tapi mengapa Perancis masih juga mengeluarkan varian senapan tidak berguna sebagai gantinya …
A French-made submachine gun that was so bad that the soldiers reportedly threw the rifle to the war reserve list. Issued during World War I was so shoddily made that the parts do not support each other.
Bullet holes in the rotation is large enough to cause the dirt and mud mixed with shells that cause congestion, making the weapon useless, especially because it was used during the war trenches filled with mud and dirt
The main reason put Chauchat light machine guns at the top of the worst weapons because, at that time so many variants of machine guns that have been made and fit for use, but why France was also issued a rifle variants are not useful in return ..
2. Grossflammenwerfer
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Ini adalah senjata penyembur api yang digunakan tentara Jerman pada Perang Dunia Pertama. Senjata ini diawaki oleh tim berisi 2 orang dan hanya dioperasikan oleh narapidana karena bahaya yang ditimbulkan cukup ekstrim.
Basically it was a bomb with a guaranteed 2 people in close proximity.Pada dasarnya itu adalah bom yang diledakkan oleh 2 orang dalam jarak dekat.
Senjata ini berukuran besar dan berat, sehingga membuat penggunanya sebagai target sasaran musuh yang ideal. Bahkan sejak tentara sekutu menganggap senjata ini senjata yang buas atau barbar. Maka tentu saja tentara sekutu tidak akan membiarkan penggunanya yang menyerah untuk tetap hidup ..
This is the weapon used flamethrowers German army in World War One. The weapon was manned by a team of two people and only operated by inmates because of the danger posed quite extreme.
Basically it was a bomb with a guaranteed 2 people in close proximity.Pada essence it is a bomb that was detonated by two people in close proximity.
This weapon is large and heavy, so make the user as an ideal target enemy. In fact, since the allies consider this gun a savage or barbaric weapons. Then of course the allies will not allow users to give to stay alive ..
3. Pepper Box Revolver
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Menurut beberapa saksi tempat paling aman saat pistol ini ditembakkan adalah berada tepat di depannya !!!
Pistol revolver used before pepper box revolver colt ditemukan.Pistol style is quite heavy because of some barrels, sometimes all at once and the shot would go off a chain shot can hurt a person's wrist, sometimes it could be until it explodes, and most of the bullets are not accurate.
According to some witnesses the safest place when the gun is fired is located right in front of him!
4. Nambu (94 Shiki Kenju)
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A design of World War II Japanese gun that fires 14 rounds of 8mm Taisho. These weapons are less powerful, complex, rigid to be used, and is not aman.Karena gunfire coming from the side, this weapon will be easy to shoot yourself in sengaja.Sangat not likely to erupt before the bullet would be in a position fully in the direction of the barrel, and is considered more harm to users than the target.
5. Cochran Revolvers
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Perhaps one of the famous firearms on the list, Cochran revolver has a rotating cylinder horizontal.Pada This essentially means that every time you shoot it you will have a round lead bullet at a time when you, and in certain circumstances can also rounds off to you ...
6. Nock Volley Gun
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Nock Volley Gun first appeared around 1780 and had a .50 caliber bullet tembakanh 7 at the sama.Senjata is pretty well used to bully and beat back in the huddle but feared battle the shell could crush the shoulder shooter. This weapon also has a tendency to cause a fire from the muzzle blast
7. Boys Anti-tank Rifle
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Boys Anti-tank rifle is an anti-tank weapon is successfully used at the beginning of the beginning of World War II. This weapon is a shotgun five shots with a weight 16.33kg (= C2 = A3 36) and fired a bullet (.55) caliber armor-piercing rounds 13.97mm able to penetrate 21mm of armor at a distance of less than 300 m.Yang this weapon to be used at the beginning World War II because it could not penetrate the German panzer armor. These weapons are also pretty heavy to carry an army as it moved backwards / or urgency will be very
8. Gyrojet
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Gyrojet adalah roket peluncur genggam yang dikembangkan pada tahun 1960. Senjata ini mampu Ini menembakkan roket 13mm.Berbeda dengan senjata api yang lain , bahwa kecepatan misil akan meningkat setelah proyektil Meninggalkan laras.
Salah satu masalah utama adalah senjata ini sering tidak memiliki kekuatan untuk membunuh jarak dekat dan hal ini kurang bagus untuk sebuah pistol. Terkadang proyektil hanya jatuh kebawah keluar dari ujung laras setelah ditembakkan.
Gyrojet is a handheld rocket launcher that was developed in 1960. This weapon is capable of firing rockets 13mm.Berbeda with other firearms, missiles that speed will increase after the projectile leaves the barrel.One major problem is these guns often do not have the power to kill at close range and it is not good for a pistol. Sometimes the projectiles just fall down out of the end of the barrel after being fired.
9. The Liberator

The Liberator, pistol dengan tembakan tunggal dicetak dari lembaran logam untuk dijatuhkan di belakang garis musuh ke tangan gerakan-gerakan perlawanan selama Perang Dunia II.Hal yang kurang karena Anda hanya bisa menembak 1 kali . 45 ACP digunakan untuk menembak musuh yang mungkin telah dipersenjatai dengan sebuah pistol semi-otomatis atau senapan mesin yang sepenuhnya otomatis.Juga untuk mengisikan peluru sangat merepotkan karena Anda harus mendorong tongkat ke bawah laras mendorong kartrid keluar.
The Liberator, a single shot pistol with metal sheets to be printed than were dropped behind enemy lines into the hands of the resistance movement during World War II.Hal less because you can only shoot one time. 45 ACP is used to shoot an enemy who may have been armed with a semi-automatic pistol or machine gun bullets fully otomatis.Juga to fill in a very inconvenient because you have to push the stick down the barrel push the cartridge out.
10. Colt Revolving Rifles

Senjata Ini masuk ke peringkat 10 dalam daftar karena kekurangan itu masih mending dibandingkan dengan manfaat dari daya tembak lebih yang dimiliki senjata Colt Revolving Rifles ini .
Although this gun has a better improvement in fire power to the people in the Old West in the 1830s, this rifle has some shortcomings that are very striking. for all variants of this type, there is a gas leak while firing at the front of the cylinder and a decrease in the speed at which dual action moncong.Untuk variants, such as the rotation for each cylinder firing, the fuel tube has a tendency to send the hot gas into the hands of the shooter.
This weapon entered ranked 10th on the list because of the lack of it is mending as compared to the benefits of more firepower possessed these weapons Colt Revolving Rifles.
Nah itu dia informasi menarik yang bisa saya berikan untuk anda . . semoga informasi ini dapat menambah wawasan dan pengetahuan kita terhadap dunia . . THANK YOU FOR READING . . .. .
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